Maggie Bates

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Navigating the Artistic Labyrinth: Wacom Tablets, Ravens, and the Digital Canvas

Ravens, those enigmatic creatures, possess a magnetic allure that transcends the mere confines of this blog post. What unfolds here is a narrative woven with the threads of my creative process – a divergence from my current amphibious odyssey in the realm of frogs, momentarily ensnared by the allure of a new art gadget.

Enter the Wacom tablet, a silent companion for nine moons, patiently awaiting its moment in the limelight. Recently, I unraveled the mysteries of its timelapse feature, unearthing a potential ally for a future collage book yet unborn. While my first and second books were created with hand watercolor on real paper, the tablet beckons.

Culminating this artistic journey is the encore on Facebook Reels, a stage where sharing is easy because, well, after all, I am providing them with free content. With a repertoire of music, seamless downloads, and a touch of charisma, the finished reel pirouettes gracefully across emails, text messages, and my LinkedIn stage.

And now, as the final stroke on this canvas, a subtle nod towards those who seek more than the dance of pixels and strokes - a recommendation to explore the vast aviary knowledge housed at All About Birds. And here is a link to the reel that I made using all of this equipment. If I were a Raven.

In the tapestry of my creative odyssey, tradition, and innovation dance, technical hurdles are part of this choreography. For those who resonate with the allure of ravens or find solace in the labyrinthine depths of artistic exploration, may this narrative resonate with the quiet hum of a muse's whisper.