Maggie Bates

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A late chapter

Surprise endings are fun in movies and books, but in life, it is nice to know what you can and cannot count on. I know that I can count on myself. That sounds a little simplistic, but I really do depend on myself for everything, so I’m glad I’m up to the task. I’m so fortunate to have a good job with truly wonderful people. During the day, I manage a design department for a construction company. I’ve worked for this company for 17 years, so they feel a little like family. In addition to my day job, I still possess artistic talent and I have a fire in me to create. At 61 years of age, I am using what I have to enrich others’ lives and hopefully create some income for me and my horse. Yes, you read that right. I’m worried about being able to take care of my horse once retired. My “why” right now, is to create a future that Magnum can count on. Not that he comprehends ‘future’, but he does comprehend trust. Magnum trusts me, I can’t let him down.

An art business coach recently told me that when writing a blog, it is important to use the word “you” five times as much as the word “I”. I’m having a hard time with that because this post is about me and Magnum. You may notice me blowing that advice off tonight.

I worry that I will have enough money to take care of vet bills, keep the truck going, and handle the equipment repairs and replacements. When anxiety creeps in, I push the thoughts away and turn to art. I use my mind and hands to make beautiful images.

I hope that by making children’s books about interesting subjects, that show care for the world around us, I will be adding some value to the world. I also love to share and educate through my day job managing a building design department, so this blog might be my nighttime version of that. Teaching through sharing of experiences.

In case anyone is counting, I know that I totally blew it, in regard to the “you” to “I” ratio. I promise I will think more about “you” than “I”, in my next blog post.

Thanks for reading.
